26 November 2014, BCR Day for me… Or also one of my most wasted day in my life hah. Hmm… I don’t know what I should write about, but at the same time I wanna update my feed here. Ok firstly, today is just a pure sh!tty day… Been around 5 Starbucks, and neither of them have a working powerpoint, and I’m suppose to do work online (my com died on me :'<)… What’s stupid is that I thought going out to do will be a good idea, hell to the no 😾. So yeap… After talking to some other people (some offered to accompany me), however, I feel that being alone for the day would be better, after all… Never had a “me time” for quite some time 😎. I realized that alone time is hard to come by, especially since I’ve been having piling assignments.

And with 50 friggin minutes left for the next lesson, what am I suppose to do for the time being???? 😩 I’ll just come up with something heh, whatever’s on my mind – directed just for one person. 😒

Ok, so there’s this one person who means A LOT in my life. But, for some reason or another… It doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. I mean, we have no relationship-related status whatsoever… But if I don’t see this person at least 3-4 time a week, it’ll be weird and I’ll feel… strange(?). But then there’s always this thing after some long time of being too overly attached to someone… You’ll feel like there’s always that someone who they’d place above you… And even if their words differ, you know there’s no way you can keep seeing them right? And then you know you’re as good as a nobody when they openly show how much other people means to them. Of course their words would be sweet and they’d deny it… But do you really buy it? They said they’re gonna try their best to push you away, and be less suffocating for you… But how would you feel hearing that? I mean, of course you’ve grown too overly attached you can’t live without them… But did they put in the effort (or at least try)? Rather, they went on and find their other “friends”, when you guys already made plans (they didn’t even bother to ask what’s wrong). So that’s ok… I’ll grow to live without them. 😊

I don’t know why my life is always so depressing haha. Sorry 😦