Hello πŸ™‚ So here is yet another blog post, and this time – no more negativity πŸ™‚ Like my previous post, however, this time, it’s so much more… free. After a long time of reflecting, I finally found out what’s the best for me. Nothing. Throughout my entire life, I feel that it takes a long time to develop feelings for someone, and at the same time – it takes a much more longer time to stop. And because of that, I feel that I’m possibly not going to share my feelings with anyone else, and live a much happier life.

As anyone might know, there’s another person – two actually who came into my life not so recently. One of them whom I feel more… attracted to, and the other who I treated just as a friend. The former was not as committed and yearn to have me (Call themΒ A). The latter however, was desperate (not trying to sound mean at all :/, and let’s call them B). And I’ve been spending SO much time with B, it’s kinda like replacing them with A. However, no matter how much I tried to get either off my mind. I’m still thinking of A more. B has been nothing but nice and kind to me, whereas A… Idk where I stand in their life right now. πŸ˜”

So after much contemplation, I figured things out. Why would you place someone else’s life on par with yours? You should be living your own happy life, and not caring about anything! If people wants to come into your life and make you feel happy – I’m more than happy for that. And if they wanna come in just to leave soon after – then no. You’re not even going to get to see the best of me. If you’d only put in effort and make me as happy as the other would – you’d know why I’m so disappointed in you. You know it clearly, on when was the last time we texted, the last time we met, or the last time we spoke. And how can you tell someone you like them like that?

So right now, I feel that I’m just gonna let everything go. With my impending workload, IDK how to deal with everything all at once… πŸ’€ But until 2 weeks time from now – whichever my heart goes to – I will follow it πŸ™‚